Various scripts for managing notes.
This script can be used to access your notes in a fast and efficient manner while in the terminal. After the required notes have been found and selected, they can be opened for reading or editing.
The dependencies listed below can most likely be found in your distributions repositories.
Package | Purpose |
figlet | used to create banner (script title) |
lolcat | adds color to banner |
cowsay | provide talking cow |
vim | used to open note in edit mode |
Install Dependencies
Use the following command to install required dependencies.
The following script can be copy and pasted into a text editor and run. After coping the script, make sure to modify the path to where your notes are on your system and the path to where bash is installed (lines 01 and 10).
Path to Bash
This will be the very 1st line of the script.
The following command can be used to find where Bash is installed on your system.
#!/usr/bin/bash # Dependencies # figlet # cowsay # lolcat # vim # path to notes notes=~/Notes/TXT # error handling error_exit(){ sleep 1 echo "Error: $1" sleep 1 echo "closing application..." sleep 1 echo "goodbye." sleep 1 exit 1 } # clear screen / show banner clear echo "" figlet notes | lolcat echo "" # show directory contents echo "Categories" echo "----------" ls $notes/ # get category echo "" echo -n "Select Category: " read category echo "" # show available notes ls $notes/$category/ 2> /dev/null || error_exit "category not found" echo "" echo -n "Choose directory: " read note_dir echo "" if test -e "$notes/$category/$note_dir"; then echo "Available Documentation" echo "-----------------------" ls $notes/$category/$note_dir/ else error_exit "directory not found" fi # choose document echo "" echo -n "Document: " read document # choose mode (read || edit) if test -e "$notes/$category/$note_dir/$document"; then echo -n "Read / Edit: " read mode echo "" else echo "" error_exit "document does not exist" fi # display contents of document if [ $mode == read ]; then cowsay "Opening $document in $mode mode..." sleep 2 cat $notes/$category/$note_dir/$document 2> /dev/null elif [ $mode == edit ]; then cowsay "Opening $document in $mode mode..." sleep 2 vim $notes/$category/$note_dir/$document 2> /dev/null else error_exit "invalid mode chosen" fi # exit this script exit